Media and public appearances

Articles & Blogs


10.2.2023: “A Fork In The Road For Khamenei”, in: zenith. Full version available.

24.1.2023: “Aufbegehren ist ansteckend”, in: Welt-Sichten. Full version available.


28.12.2022: “Für die Protestbewegung im Iran bedeutet Stabilität ein Leben in Unfreiheit”, in: Frankfurter Rundschau, with Mariam Salehi and Sara Kolah Ghoutschi. Full version available.

20.10.2022: “Nicht erst seit heute revolutionär”, in: IPG-Journal. Full version available.

4.10.2022: “Das Pendel schwingt weiter”, in: W+F Blog. Full version available.

1.10.2022: Q&A zu politischer Partizipation von Frauen in Afghanistan, in: Kulturaustausch. Full version available.

28.6.2022: “Warum Irans Führung die Hände gebunden sind” in: zenith. Full version available.


1.11.2021: “Hilfe ist möglich” in: Internationale Politik. Full version available.

Public lectures and events

25.8.2024: Stream and book talk with Radio Industry in BLMK Cottbus.

20.6.2024: Input and discussion “Mit wem demonstrieren? – Allianzen im Kontext von Protesten und sozialen Bewegungen” as part of the event series “Stimme erheben – Widerstand zeigen!” in Cologne.

12.6.2024: Lecture “Positionalitätskämpfe und Internationale Beziehungen” as part of the lecture series “PERSPEKTIVWECHSEL in den Internationalen Beziehungen: Gegenhegemoniale Betrachtungen” at Marburg University.

17.5.2024: Panel discussion “Unveiling Repression: Documenting Human Rights Violations during the 2022 Women, Life, Freedom, Protests” as part of the Hertie School Open Source Investigation Summit in Berlin.

30.4.2024: Input and discussion “Was gilt als legitim? Protest als demokratische Praxis” as part of the event series “Digitale Demokratiegespräche im Landkreis Wittenberg”.


10.11.2023: Podium discussion “Jin Jiyan Azadi? Ein Jahr Proteste im Iran, wie geht es weiter” with Young Green Party in Hanau.

27.10.2023: “Between Geography and a Harsh Place: Resisting Colonial Security Regimes” as part of Contentious Politics Seminar at LSE.

19.7.2023: Lecture “The long struggle for political and human rights in Iran” at Bremen University. Report available, full article by Weser-Kurier Bremen.

20.6.2023: Proteste im Iran. Lecture as part of lecture series on political protest at University of Potsdam.

25.5.2023: Input “The Emancipatory Potential of Ethnographic Research”. Ethnography & epistemic hierarchies workshop in Erfurt.

2.4.2023: “In Focus Iran: Musik und Kunst als Stimme des Widerstands #3”. Panel Discussion at Hochschule für Musik und Theater Hamburg. Full video available.

27.3.2023: “Frauen, Leben, Freiheit: Die feministische Revolution im Iran!”. Discussion after International Women’s Day at DGB Gießen.

13.3.2023: “Frauen, Leben, Freiheit: Die feministische Revolution im Iran!”. Discussion after International Women’s Day at DGB Wetzlar.

14.2.2023: “Revolutions in Iran and Beyond: Transnational Feminist, Kurdish and Social Mobilization”. Discussion with Rosa Burç at INTERACT Berlin.

13.2.2023: “Wird Unsicherheit rassistisch gedacht? Eine Podiumsdiskussion über Migration in Deutschland”. Roundtable at Universität der Bundeswehr München.

29.1.2023: “Politics of Music & Art”. Panel discussion at Goethe-Institut im Exil.

16.1.2023: “Iran: Sound of Revolution”. Roundtable at Körber-Stiftung. Full video available.


13.12.2022: “Ukrainian and Iranian fight for freedom against authoritarian regimes Similarities and differences”. Roundtable at the Passau University.

05.12.2022: “Proteste im Iran – Historische, politische und gesellschaftliche Dimensionen”. Online Panel at University of Tübingen.

25.11.2022: “‘Tod dem Diktator’ – Die Herbst-Revolution im Iran”. Roundtable at Volkshochschule Ulm.

24.11.2022: “‘Be our Voice!’ – Die feministische Revolution im Iran”. Roundtable at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf.

20.10.2022: “Proteste im Iran”. Online-Panel at the Center for Conflict Studies Marburg.


21.10.2021: “Europe’s debacle in Afghanistanwhat lessons need to be learned about helping civil society?”. Debate organized by Élan. Full video available.

29.4.2021: “Neue Proteste – bewährte Theorien? Protestforschung im Kontext von Staatlichkeit”. Lecture on conflictual conceptions of statehood at Passau University.

20.3.2021: “Proteste in der Pandemie: Wie wirkt sich Covid-19 auf soziale Proteste aus?”, Vlog for the Friedensakademie Landau. Full video of re-upload (1.12.2021) available.


22.7.2020: “Protestformen im Wandel – Auswirkungen von Covid-19 auf Aktivismus weltweit”. Lecture on the impact of Covid-19 on protest movements. Organized by Marburger Weltladen.


29.8.2024: Interview with Weser Kurier on protests blocking streets. Available online.

6.7.2024: Interview with dpa on Moderate candidate winning in Iran’s election. Available online.

30.6.2024: Interview with dpa on presidential election in Iran. Available online.

28.6.2024: Interview with NDR Info on Iranian presidential election. Available online.

21.5.2024: Watson on death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi. Available online.

20.5.2024: Interview with taz on the death of Iranian president Ebrahim Raisi. Available online.

9.3.2024: Radio Interview with COSMO on acceptance of different blockades by farmers and environmentalists.

19.2.2024: Interview in “taz” on Iran’s legislative election. Interview available online.

17.2.2024: Comments for Spiegel Online on farmers protests. Available online.

14.2.2024: Youtube Interview with “Die Da Oben” on effectiveness on protests against far right. Available online.

12.2.2024: Interview with SRF Radio on transnational protests in Europe. Interview available. Transcript online.

3.2.2024: Interview with dpa on protests against right-wing extremism in Germany. Interview available.

3.2.2024: Interview with Deutschlandfunk Nova on protests against right-wing extremism.

2.2.2024: Statements for taz about research on the effect of protests on elections. Available online.

31.1.2024: TV-interview with RTL Hessen on protests against right-wing extremism.

29.1.2024: Interview with on rural protests against right-wing extremism in Germany. Available online.

29.1.2024: Interview with Radio Cosmo on protests against right-wing extremism in Germany.

26.1.2024: Interview with Hessenschau on increase in protests in Germany. Available online.

23.1.2024: Statement for DW Polska on protesters inspiring one another. Interview available.

22.1.2024: Radio Cosmo on trajectory of and participation in protests against far-right extremism. Interview available.

19.1.2024: WDR Aktuelle Stunde statement on protests against far-right extremism. Available online.

18.1.2024: NDR Aktuell interview on protests against far-right extremism. Interview available. Also as written interview.

18.1.2024: RBB Interview on protests against far-right extremism. Interview available.

16.1.2024: WDR Morgenecho Interview on protests against far-right extremism. Interview available.

9.1.2024: Radio Bayern 2 Interview on farmer’s protests in Germany.


29.11.2023: Radio France Internationale Interview on climate protests in Germany. Interview available.

5.11.2023: Tagesspiegel Interview on Afghans being deported in Pakistan. Interview available.

16.9.2023: NDR Interview on developments in Iran’s art scene following mass protests and repression. Interview available.

11.9.2023: Interview with dpa on anniversary of Iran protests. Available in multiple articles, e.g. here.

30.5.2023: ORF Interview on protests and repression in Iran. Interview available.

24.5.2023: DW News on Last Generation.

19.4.2023: BR interview on climate protests in Germany.

28.2.2023: ZEIT Online Video on the protest movement and repression in Iran. Interview available.


6.12.2022: NDR Info on the role of strikes for Iran protests and reports on the morality police. Interview available.

5.12.2022: SZ Podcast “Geschichte Daily” on the Green Movement in Iran. Interview available.

29.11.2022: RBB Kultur on similarities between protests in China and Iran. Interview available.

25.11.2022: SWR DASDING about Iranian protesters on trial. Interview not available.

19.11.2022: Die Presse on repression facing Iranian protesters. Interview available.

16.11.2022: RND on repression against Iranian diaspora. Interview available.

12.11.2022: TV interview with BR24 on recent developments regarding Iran protests. Interview available.

9.11.2022: SZ Podcast “auf den Punkt” on protests in Iran. Interview available.

8.11.2022: Watson on Iranian parliamentarians calling for harsher sentences and what that means for incarcerated protesters. Interview available.

8.11.2022: Radio NDR on how music affects protests in Iran. Interview available.

8.11.2022: Forschung und Lehre Interview on how students and universities are affected by repression and participate in Iranian protests. Interview available.

7.11.2022: Radio Bremenzwei on the role of social media for Iranian protesters. Interview available.

1.11.2022: Radio Deutschlandfunks Nova on the trials and protest dynamics in Iran. Interview available.

28.10.2022: DW News on the threat posed to regime by Iranian protesters. Interview available.

27.10.2022: RBB24 Inforadio on Iranian protests 40 days after the killing of Jina Mahsa Amini. Interview available.

25.10.2022: ZDF Heute on the chances of a revolution in Iran. Interview available.

22.10.2022: RP-online on German IT company supporting Iranian online repression. Interview available.

21.10.2022: Neues Deutschland on background of Iran protests. Interview available.

21.10.2022: BR-Podcast Dreimalbesser on how protesters in Iran can be supported. Podcast and transcript available.

18.10.2022: Radio Deutschlandfunk Nova on the role of Social Media for Iran Protests. Interview available.

17.10.2022: Radio Deutschlandfunk Nova on Protests in Iran, one month later. Interview available.

12.10.2022: Radioeins on developments in Iran. Interview available.

10.10.2022: Buzzfeed and Merkur on how the protests might end. Interview available here and here.

5.10.2022: Radio Deutschlandfunk Nova on Protests in Iran. Interview available.

27.9.2022: Radio Deutschlandfunk Nova on Protests in Iran. Interview available as audio and as a text.


5.11.2021: Focus Online about environmental protests. Full article available.

14.5.2021: Radio-Podcast by WDR on US-negotiations with the Taliban in Afghanistan. Full podcast available.


02.12.2019: Blick on global protests. Full article available.

29.11.2019: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on anti-regime protests and the role of youth. Full article available.

22.11.2019: Südkurier about global protest cycles and repression. Full article available.

14.11.2019: Stern about international protests and social movements. Full article available.